Our Mission and Vision


"Through its devastating scale
and impact (HIV/AIDS) constitutes a
global emergency
and one of the
most formidable challenges to
human life and dignity."

- UN General
Assembly Special
Session on AIDS,


The SAFE Mission

To encourage both youth and families to implement God's persepctive of the "A, B, C" of HIV/AIDS prevention so that:

  • "Abstinence" - Affirms both the dignity and responsibility of human sexuality.

  • "Be faithful" - "Builds strong supportive families which will encourage both A and B.

  • "In order to do this, "C" becomes "Christ-like Character demonstrating:


Thus, being able to enjoy true Companionship.

In the Chichewa language, the word for condom is "chishango" which is extended from the original meaning of shield. Thus, when the Bible says "God" or "The LORD" is my "shield," (as in Psalm 18:2), the word is "chishango"!

The SAFE Vision

To endeavor to respore God's original creative plan for humanity so that the individual will realize his/her security is rooted in God's unconditional love and one's significance is in shareing His love and truth in order to disciple hations.

(1) Genesis 1:27-30
To affirm human dignity, equality of worth and responsibility

(2) I John 4:16-18
To affirm God's perfect love that casts out all fear

(3) Matthew 22:37-40
To have a meaningful relationship with God, one's self, and one's neighbor

(4) Romans 12:3, Preoverbs 23:7
To transform one's mind and behavior, a Biblical worldview

(5) Matthew 28:19
So that societies will endeavor to re-establish God's original creative plan




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